Vital Gold Drops
₹300.00 Original price was: ₹300.00.₹285.00Current price is: ₹285.00.
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Vitel Gold Drop is the only medicine for all male related diseases. Premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, thinning of semen due to lack of spermatozoa, etc. removes all sense disorders and gives a feeling of complete virility. Dripping of semen in sleep, thin smell of semen, loosening of the penis as soon as the reaction starts and various precipitates arising due to masturbation, is the only medicine to cure nervous weakness and impotence.
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Lycopodium 2x, Agnus Castus 2x, Yohimbinum 2x, Damiana 1x, China 2x, Acid Phos. 1x, Phosphorus 2x, Nux Vomica 2x, Avena Sat.1x.
A vital gold drop is a powerful, effective homoeopathic medicine strictly for males. No harmful or side effect, useful for vitality, rejuvenation, satisfaction performance or virile power. Sexual vitality, corresponding with mental depression and loss of nervous energy. Sexual neurasthenia, a impotency, a sexual debility, incontinence in old people. Very useful in seminal weakness, ready emissions and improve the semen. It is unique refueling agent that keeps you active and thereby checks the ageing factor. It stimulates and increases the sexual appetite, Passion and virile power.
वाइटेल गोल्ड ड्राप समस्त पुरुष सम्बन्धी रोगो की एकमात्र औषधि है। शीघ्रपतन, यौन दुर्बलता, शुक्राणुओ की कमी से वीर्य का पतला होना आदि समस्त इन्द्रिय विकारो को दूर कर पूर्ण पौरुषता का एहसास कराती है। नींद में वीर्य का टपकना, वीर्य का पतला गंध हीन रतिक्रिया आंरभ करते ही लिंग का ढीला पड़ जाना तथा हस्तमैथुन के कारण उत्पन्न होने वाले विभिन्न उपसर्गोए स्नायुविक दुर्बलता और नपुंसकता को ठीक करने की एकमात्र औषधि है।
15-20 drops in half cup of water to be taken twice a day or as directed by physician.
15 से 20 बूँद आधे कप पानी में दिन में दो बार या चिकित्सक के परामर्शानुसार।
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